Kalayaan election reset
Kalayaan election reset
DUE to unforeseen circumstances, the Kalayaan Cultural Community Centre (KCCC) special election scheduled for Sunday, February 20, 2005 at 2:00 p.m., has been reset to the following Sunday, February 27, 2005, same time(2:00 p.m.), same place (KCCC at 5546 Timberlea Boulevard, Mississauga).
The two positions to be filled are for PRO and Director. Please contact the KCCC office at 905-629-0099 for any questions or desired information.
Only registered members are eligible to vote. They are advised to bring their ID’s and to register with the Comelec upon arrival. The KCCC apologizes for any inconvenience the change of date may have caused anyone.
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