FCT Update: From a birthday toast to a roast
FCT Update: From a birthday toast to a roast
By Aida E. D’Orazio
The birthday celebrators all looked upbeat and chic at their Western-style shindig last April 2. So, why bother asking about ages? The question was tabooed, anyway.
As they were ushered into the theme-decorated Rizal Hall, Julie Corpuz, Linda Taiabjee and Vicky Santiago – all FCT officers – had every reason to smile and be happy as the guests clapped their hands and greeted them with a happy birthday song. And as they were seated at the front table, by their huge birthday cake, Manny Abraham, Filipino Singing Idol ’04, serenaded them.
For retirees Julie and Linda, particularly, their birthday is a celebration of a new life. After miraculously coming out of an 8-month coma a year ago, Julie is now well and walking again, while Linda is a cancer survivor.
At the other room across the hall, at the Ottawa Room, buffet tables were delightfully set up by Remely’s to accommodate over 150 guests who later lined up to enjoy the juicy roast beef, barbecued pork on skewers, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and other side dishes.
Mary Ann San Juan, the emcee of the evening, had the guests participating in the question-and-answer game regarding the celebrants and in the tongue-twisting contest. Participants who gave the correct answers were each rewarded a necklace of gemstones from Linda’s Wellness Gems. But, who would have thought that someone could successively repeat this Tagalog phrase without a tumble? Try it. PUTONG PUTI PITONG TUPA. The winner was Ruby Ruiz. And she won the $200 cash prize from Rica Jeweller on Queen and Broadview! As part of the fund-raising for FCT, two rings and a pair of earrings, worth $500 – donated by Oscar Gella – were raffled off.
There were chuckles at the celebrity roast as some “secrets” and quirks were disclosed. At the same time, there was love and praise for these accomplished women. Linda Taiabjee’s son, Tim, revealed that his mom’s habit of practising how to smile before a mirror had landed her several print modeling and acting jobs including her smiling face on the Bank of Montreal poster; a grateful Cely Tutay acknowledged the gift of a car and other investments from squeaky-clean buff and super-generous sister Vicky Santiago; while Julie Corpuz’ godson Ronnie Dancel beautifully sang a song he composed in praise of his Ninang.
There may be other FCT celebrations coming up, but this one was a rare three-in-one bash for the benefit of the FCT.
Living Will, Last Will and Testament
Despite the snowstorm last April 3rd, seniors still showed up at the Centre to attend the information session on the living will, as well as last will and testament conducted by FCT Chief Financial Officer Linda Taiabjee.
Their concern and interest over these important documents had increased significantly ever since the Schiavo dilemma in Florida was brought to light. The bitter legislative and legal battle involved the parents of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo and her estranged husband who had her feeding tube removed and refused to have them reinserted. Her husband insisted that she would not have wanted the feeding tube given her condition, while her parents, who are devout Catholics, believed that their daughter was not in the process of dying and should then not to be allowed to die through denial of food and water. The parents vigorously appealed to have the tubes reinserted, but the courts all ruled in the husband’s favour. Terri died on March 31st, after spending the last 15 years of her life in vegetative state.
The Schiavo case underscores the importance of having a living will. What happened to Terri can happen to any one. According to Linda, one does not need to spend money to have a living will done. Just make sure your wishes are written down on paper, and you have two witnesses to sign the document.
Because this service has generated such great interest among the members in the community, another information session will be scheduled on the last Sunday of May.
April Calendar
Friday, April 22 – Filipino Singing Idol Competition, Rizal Hall, 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 24 – Hypertension Seminar, 2:00 p.m.; Guest Speaker – Dr. Maria de Villa, head of Cardiology Department, St. Joseph Hospital.
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