Block Rosary Crusaders of Toronto celebrate their 29th anniversary
Block Rosary Crusaders of Toronto celebrate their 29th anniversary

Photo shows the major coordinators of the Block Rosary: Tito and Dr. Bina Comendador, Myrna de Leon and Tessie Polangco (group 3), Tessie de la cruz (Group 10 and 11) Lita Leano , BR Vice Chairman (Group 1Dolly Poblete, Treasurer (Group 1) Marlene & Mogi Mogado (Group 3) Conrad de Leon (Group 3); standing at the back are: Rudi Sadia, Bridgit D’ Souza (Group 5 and 9) and George Poblete, BR Adviser (Group 1).
The Block Rosary of Toronto, the largest organized Rosary prayer group in Toronto celebrated their 29th Anniversary with a lunch at Aristokrat Restaurant last weekend.
This Block Rosary started with their Group 1 in Scarborough on October 2, 1982,with 52 members families. Since then, they have grown to 12 Groups of 52 families (over 600 member families) in Metro Toronto, Scarborough, Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa and Whitby in the east and to Markham, New Market and Richmond Hill and Stouffville in the north side of Metro Toronto
This prayer group prays the Rosary with their families, while the images of the Infant Jesus and the Virgin Mary are brought to the next family on the weekends.
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