Block Rosary plans 30th year
Block Rosary plans 30th year

Event Chairman Sir George R. Poblete, BR Over-all Chairman Madeleine Ong, Tessie de la Cruz, Angela Field, Lady Bing Marasigan, Sir Jozef Widjaya, Lita Leano, Lady Lynn Widjaya and Lady Dolly Poblete, during their Steering Committee meeting in Scarborough.
Event Chairman Sir George R. Poblete announced the Committee Chairpersons for the Block Rosary 30th Anniversary celebration, to be held on September 30, 2012.
Chairpersons appointed were :
• Sir Jaime Marasigan – Vice Chairman, Communication & Souvenir Program
• Madeleine Ong – Chairperson on Solicitation
* Lita Leano – Manager, Secretariat
• Angela Field – Secretary, Coordinator of Secretariat
• Lady Bing Marasigan – Ticket distribution & Control Chairperson
• Lady Dolly Poblete – Finance Chairperson
• Linda Henderin – Souvenirs Chairperson
• Lady Lynn Widjaya – Program Chairperson
• Mila Vindua – Thanksgiving Mass Coordinator
• Tessie de la Cruz – Souvenir Distribution Coordinator
The Block Rosary Crusade of Toronto, was founded by a small group Filipino devotees of the Virgin Mary on Oct. 2, 1982 in Scarborough. They have grown and is reported to be the largest and oldest organized Block Rosary devotees in Canada, with over 600 families, mainly of Filipino descent, who brings the statues of the Virgin Mary and Infant Jesus to the homes of the member family and pray the Rosary daily.
The steering committee finalized the budget and plans for this celebration. Dinner and main program will be at St. Peter & Paul Banquet Hall in Scarborough. The Committee ensured that the venue is immaculate, a delicious dinner is served and the evening Program will be the best, complete with Philippine and Goan music and dances (20% of the Block Rosary members are of Goan descent).
Distribution of the well design tickets started. Memorabilia shall be distributed to the guests. Motif of the site is “Filipiniana.”, and the venue will be converted to a typical “PISTA SA NAYON “in the Philippines.
VIP & guests include members of the clergy, government officials, representatives from major associations and local business groups, who will join the Block Rosary member families and friends.
A Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, Sep, 29, 2012 at the Prince of Peace Church in Alton Towers in Scarborough A Toronto Bishop has been invited and Mass will be concelebrated by the Pastors of the churches covered by the areas where the Block Rosary families are located.
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