World Press Freedom Under Attack
World Press Freedom Under Attack
Thomas Saras
President and C.E.O; National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada

oronto Mayor Rob Ford (left) receives plaque of appreciation from Ethnic Press Council President Thomas Saras.
(Speech delivered at the opening of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada exhibit of various ethnic publications in Toronto and Canada, May 7, 2012, Toronto City Hall)
Your worship Mayor Rob Ford, Hon. Jim Karygiannis, Hon. Demetris Azemopoulos and Christos Gribas, Hon. Ministers Charles Sousa and Kathleen Wynne, My friends Reza Moridi and Dipika Damerla, members of the provincial parliament. Mr. Michael Thompson, James Pasternac and Mary Frangedakis. Lieutenant Commander Bradley Prouse, of the National Defense Department, Distinguished guests, members of the NEPMCC, publisher and editors, brothers and sisters in the ethnic press.
Today’s event is dedicated to all of our brothers and sisters who have lost their lives in the exercise of our profession. According to our information 106 journalists were killed in 2011, among them 20 reported on the Arab Spring. More than 100 others were attacked, intimidated, arrested and wounded in countries including Egypt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen and Iran. Mexico and Pakistan were the most dangerous countries for journalists to work in. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists 12 died in Mexico and 11 in Pakistan, followed by Iraq, Libya and the Philippines. Two thirds of the journalists killed were intentionally targeted particularly in Latin America and Philippines where the press freedom is threatened.
Others were killed during demonstrations, in fights, in suicide bombings or in mine explosions. At the same time, another 179 journalists were jailed all over the world and this is the highest number in the last 15 years.
According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, most of the journalists are jailed in Iran, Eritria and China. For Iran, this is the second year in a row when it has the most number of journalists in jail. 42 total followed by Eritria 28, China 27, Myanmar 12 and Vietnam 9. According to our information, Iran is recycling the jailing of journalists from time to time and they are using the most unacceptable methods of torture. 65 journalists escaped from Iran since 2009. Most of these journalists are in jail for the very simple reason, for criticizing the administration of the state they are living in or they didn’t pay any attention to restrictions on reporting.

Thomas Saras, center, is presented a plaque of appreciation for his work in promoting press freedom by Ontario officials, from left, MPP Dipika Damerla, Minister Charles Sousa, Minister Kathleen Wynn and MPP Reza Moridi.
At this point I want to bring to your attention that among the members of this organization we are proud to report that journalists like Hermie and Mila Garcia and also Aarron Berhane are among those who have spent years in jail and exile due to the fact that they tried to criticize their respective dictatorships and tried to help their fellow citizens. Many publications are censored and suspended throughout the world while journalists continued to be kidnapped and muzzled.
This is the reason why freedom of the press is fundamental in a democratic society and we are proud that Canada remains the role model for the respect for fundamental rights including freedom of the press. Today’s exhibition is exactly the example of what we believe in this country where every member of society if willing can publish in any language, views and ideas. This is the reason that today we salute Canada’s multicultural community and also the help of the mainstream media for helping the development of this free society. I want to thank you one more time for taking the trouble of joining us today in celebration of the Freedom of the Press.

MP Jim Karygianis (left) receives plaque of appreciation from Thomas Saras, Ethnic Press Council President.

Kathleen Wynne, Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Minister of Aboriginal Affairs

From left, Norman Garcia, Hermie Garcia, Chris Sorio, Mila Astorga Garcia, Onnie Ramiro, Julie Nanquil, Thomas Saras and Moorthy Sellathurai at the exhibit of ethnic publications at the Toronto City Hall on May 7, 2012.
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