Ontario Court staff celebrate cultural diversity in the workplace
Ontario Court staff celebrate cultural diversity in the workplace
Ontario Court Staff of the Ministry of the Atty. General, Superior Court of Justice hosted a multicultural potluck lunch to welcome newly appointed Court Manager Ms. Oliana Palumbo and celebrate cultural diversity in the workplace.
Organized by a group of Filipino Court Registrars and Court Deputies of 393 University Ave.in Toronto, the lunch party was graced by Ms. Palumbo who said that the multi-culural event was praiseworthy, should be encouraged and needs to be supported by everyone.
Court Registrar Felix Cabusora co-organizer of the cultural event said the activity will help promote understanding and respect for various cultures in the workplace by introducing different ways people from other countries prepare their food and delicacies.
The potluck lunch permits cultural diverse groups to participate and share their food with others in a fun and deliciously delightful atmosphere.
Mr. Cabusora said that the potluck lunch precedes other cultural activities planned by the group starting this Summer and every season of the year.
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