Silayan has a new office
Silayan has a new office
TORONTO– Rosedale Councillor Pam McConnell officially opened Silayan’s administrative and executive office located at 476 Parliament St. (at Carlton), Suite 301 last July 8 while San Lorenzo Ruiz’s Anglican Church Fr. Ariel Dumaran officiated the blessing in the presence of dedicated volunteers and guests.
During her brief opening speech, McConnell discussed current plans and programs of the City and expressed support to help Silayan and how SCC can in turn help the City of Toronto succeed in its programs that include people of diversity – seniors, newcomers, youth, children and women especially in the St. James Town area.
Professional volunteers were inspired by the councillor’s presence and message. SCC’s Parliament office is alternately manned during office hours and while there is lack of staffing and resources, fundraising activities and submission of proposals to access funding are being pursued at this time.
A number of young people have signed up for a Drumming Class to be held every Sunday at the SCC Activity centre at 240 Wellesley St. East subbasement. Fellowship and leadership workshops will also be part of their activities. A youth program for justice and crime prevention is being offered by the Ministry of the Attorney General for SCC to submit a grant proposal.
The Silayan Filipino Seniors Day recreational activity is slated on August 4th, Friday at the Ward Island, featuring arts and crafts, line dancing and karaoke. In partnership with Sunshine Centres for Seniors, this will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Picnic cost is only $5.00 with veggie soup and sandwich but seniors should feel free to bring any healthy food for a pot luck.
SCC President Willie Nabus announced recently that Silayan continues to streamline operations and organizational change, and priorities are reset in the best interest of Silayan, its clients and members and the whole community. The Annual General Meeting is set September 30 with the election of new board members that will also promote diversity in line with the government’s and funders’ priorities for granting funds.
Silayan programs include computer literacy class, Immigration workshop, Volunteer Management session, Health and wellness; also programs for settlement, employment, housing referral and counselling, Skills training and personal development classes. Educational/advocacy workshops; heritage, language and cultural appreciation classes and events; drop-in program for children/youth, seniors, single parents, LGBTpersons, domestic workers and other special groups from the Filipino-Canadian Community.
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