Is murder case linked to Canadian visit? Canadian embassy official asks Ocampo
Is murder case linked to Canadian visit? Canadian embassy official asks Ocampo
TORONTO–The Canadian Embassy in Manila officially met with Rep. Satur Ocampo on April 30 to inquire, among others things, if the filing of new murder cases against him is related to his recent visit to Canada, according to the minutes of the meeting obtained by this paper.
Theresa de Haan, Second Secretary, Political Economic Relations and Public Affairs, also asked the Bayan Muna Representative if the reported surveillance at his home during the latter’s arrival from Canada, was linked to the murder charges.
Ocampo responded that he got confidential information that the filing of murder charges was “timed to enable the DOJ (Department of Justice) and police to secure a warrant of arrest for me when I come back from Canada at the airport.”
The filing, however, came late on a Friday (April 18), and despite the pressure on the courts to issue a warrant, the judge opted to wait and study the cases, giving Ocampo’s lawyers time to file a motion to appeal to the court to review the case for probable cause.
Ocampo confirmed that the surveillance in his home upon his arrival reported in the Manila media was “an obvious show of surveillance,” despite the denial of the Philippine National Police. Neighbours and Ocampo’s own security saw motorcyles following his car as it neared his residence, as well as cars cruising nearby. Only when the media arrived did the vehicles withdraw.
De Haan also asked Ocampo about his trip to Canada, to which the latter related the successful meetings with Canadian parliamentarians, the community, labor, church and youth.
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