Landed status demand pressed
Landed status demand pressed
The announcement of the provincial Ministry of Labour about the Toll-Free Caregiver Hotline and the release of Fact Sheet which contains practical information for caregivers and other migrant workers are welcome developments.
However, we have maintained these measures should have been done long time ago. Many cases of abuses should have prevented if different authorities have done their work in putting up measures much earlier in order to protect the rights and welfare of these migrant workers under the LCP.
“While we encourage caregivers to call the hotline at 1-866-372-3247 when they have questions and concerns, we also ask them to stay vigilant and continue to demand for fundamental changes in the Live-in Caregiver Program,” said Jonathan Canchela, chairperson of FMWM.
FMWM, along with other Migrante-Ontario organizations, will continue to focus on the achievement of the main demand for caregivers to be granted with landed status upon entering Canada.
By granting immigrant status, caregivers will have the chance “to negotiate for better working conditions or change employers to escape abusive situations.” Also, “they will also have better access to benefits and services and speed up reunification with their families.”
According to MOL news release, the “hotline will provide these employees, often called nannies, with information on their rights under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA).” This is good sign of help for caregivers, but a short one.
“What we need is the full implementation of the ESA as it relates to the LCP, including the enforcement of occupational health and safety acts which should involve monitoring and inspection of different work places,” added Canchela.
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