FMWM calls for thorough investigation and fundamental changes in the LCP
FMWM calls for thorough investigation and fundamental changes in the LCP
First of all, we salute the bravery of caregivers Magdalene Gordo, Richelyn Tongson and Lyle Alvarez for bringing up their story in the open involving the family of MP Ruby Dhalla.
We believe that when caregivers feel they are being abused, they have to stand up and fight back. They have to tell the world, and the world will surely listen because violation of caregivers’ rights is and must not be tolerated in a sane society.
The charge that Dhalla’s family forced these caregivers to do “non-nanny jobs such as washing cars, shining shoes and cleaning family-owned chiropractic clinics” including “scrubbing and cleaning floors” is very serious and disturbing.
“If true, and we tend to believe it is, this is a case where violation of labour standards is very clear and the employer should be held responsible,” says Jonathan Canchela, chairperson of FMWM.
“Where is the so-called ‘utmost respect, care and compassion’ in asking the caregiver to shovel snow at midnight? Where is the love in treating your caregivers like slaves?”
This latest case of abuse highlights many other abuses in the Live-in Caregiver Program. We are very much aware, and we have constantly been reminded time and again by actual accounts of caregivers, that many rights violations occur under the program. Cases like this one are very rampant.
The LCP is basically defective because of its three main components: 1) temporary status of caregivers;
2) live-in requirement; and 3) employer-specific visa. Their temporary status significantly limits their ability to get out of dangerous and difficult situations. They are not given the freedom of mobility and residence, which are basic human rights. Because of the live-in requirement, caregivers are forced to work extended hours beyond their regular time without any pay and are exposed to all kinds of abuse.
“This whole Dhalla controversy is a warning not only to people in power but also to all unscrupulous employers who take advantage of the vulnerability of these migrant workers,” Canchela says.
As the contending political parties scramble to make political capital out of this issue, we ask concerned government authorities particularly the office of Attorney General of Ontario to investigate the allegations lodged against MP Dhalla.
FMWM will persevere in seeking fundamental changes to the LCP as we continue to assert the caregivers’ main demand to be granted landed status upon entering Canada.
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