CASJ elects Executive Committee
CASJ elects Executive Committee
TORONTO–The Community Alliance for Social Justice (CASJ) held the election of its first Executive Committee last Tuesday, Nov. 23, at Metro Hall, and formalized membership in its founding Board of Directors.
Elected to CASJ’s Executive Committee were: Mel Catre and Pura Velasco, co-chairs; Hermie Garcia and Connie Sorio, co-vice chairs; Ricky Esguerra, Secretary; Edwin Mercurio, Treasurer; and Jose Saavedra, Jr, Auditor. Other members of the Board are: Carol Bañez, Flor Dandal, Paul de la Cruz, Mila Astorga-Garcia, Mithi Esguerra, Julie Nanquil, Virgie Tigas, Nora Angeles, Terry Olayta, Gene Lara and Jess Mallari
The Board is the organization’s decision making body, while the Executive Committee – all elected officers being members of the Board — is the Board’s implementing arm. All Executive Committee officers and Board members sit on at least one of the Working Committees and Task Forces of the organization.
The Task Forces are:Task Force on Access to Professions and Trades; Task Force on Caregivers and Immigration; Task Force on Policing and Community Safety. The Working Committees are: Youth Affairs, Political Participation, Research and Publications, Education and Training, Communications and Media, Fundraising, Membership and Outreach.
CASJ’s organizational set-up reflects the organization’s adherence to the principles of equity, respect for diversity, and horizontally consensual rather than vertical top-to-bottom decision-making approach. Its working committees and task forces are the result of recommendations coming out of its first consultation conference, “Strengthen Our Community for Social Justice,” held Oct. 30, 2004 in Toronto. The conference was attended by close to 200 people from the Filipino community, and supporters from other communities.
CASJ’s membership since the Oct. 30 conference has expanded to about 80 individuals and 20 organizations. Some of its leaders and members actively participated in the one-day session “Listening to Toronto” organized by the Office of the Mayor of the City of Toronto on Nov. 28. CASJ also delivered a deputation speech at the meeting of the Toronto Police Services Board on the budget of the Toronto Police held Nov. 29. (See page 32 of this paper.) Part of that deputation was quoted in the Toronto Star issue of Nov. 30.
The launching of CASJ as an advocacy group and an alliance of individuals and organizations will be held soon in Toronto. All those who attended the conference including those who signed up membership applications at the Oct. 30 conference are enjoined to attend to become founding members. Contact CASJ by telephone or email for details: Email: Mel, (416) 829-4930,; Pura,; Hermie (416) 461-8694,; and Connie,
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