7th Day Adventists raise $16,000
7th Day Adventists raise $16,000
The Filipino- Canadian Prayer rally for Haiyan victims held at Mt. Zion Seventh-Day Adventist Church last Nov. 19, 2013 was a success, raised $16,000 for relief . Through Canada’s $ per $ matching program translates to about $32,000 more for ADRA Canada’s relief work for Haiyan victims. Let’s continue to lift the Filipino nation through our prayers.
Great News
ADRA Canada relief efforts in the Philippines got a 16,000 boost out a special Filipino-Canadian prayer rally held at the Mt. Zion Filipino Seventh-day Adventist Church in Toronto. Praise the Lord. The inspiring service was attended by representatives from 12 Filipino Congregations in the area and several notable guests.
The ADRA Canada would like to say a huge “Thank you” to everyone who has reached out a helping hand to the victims of typhoon Haiyan. They continue to work & pray for the victims immediate relief.
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