Breast Cancer and Vitamin D: A Lifeline for Patients?
Breast Cancer and Vitamin D: A Lifeline for Patients?
It’s well known that Vitamin D has many important health benefits, and new research shows it may help the chances of surviving breast cancer. In 2007, researchers showed women who took vitamin D (1,100 IU per day) and calcium (1,400-1,500 mg per day) were 77 percent less likely to become afflicted by an invasive cancer, including breast cancer, compared to those on a placebo. And in 2014, researchers turned their attention to breast cancer specifically: patients with optimum levels of vitamin D in their blood — 30 ng/ml — were twice as likely to survive the disease versus those who did not (showing an average of 17 ng/ml).
The study included 4,443 patients, following up with them after an average of nine years. The authors point out that alarmingly, the average vitamin D blood level in U.S. breast cancer patients is 17 ng/ml.
Source: “Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Worse Survival,”, March 24, 2014.
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