Ethnic Press marks Canada Day 2016
Ethnic Press marks Canada Day 2016
More than 200 members of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada, representing about 100 publications from 36 linguistic communities, celebrated Canada Day with its traditional dinner at the Cypriot Community Center of Toronto. It was a night of good food, wine and international live music. The members of the ethnic press and media expressed their good wishes and many thanks for their adopted country Canada. Among those in attendance were the following members: El Centro Americano publisher Susana Donan; The Philippine Reporter publishers Hermie and Mila Garcia and staff; Luba Cherny, publisher of the Canadian Russian Courier publisher of the “Be Healthy” Magazine; Cindy Gu, publisher of the “Epoch Times;” the publishers of the “Vhorer Alo Inc.,” the HNS Media Inc. The Western Ontario Press Inc.; the Etc and All Magazine, Isa Melo, The Ethiopian TZTA, the FJR Media; producer Ahmed Jam; publisher Raffi De Boghossian of the Armenian Toronto Hy; Dr. Tajdolati, NEPMCC Ombudsman; the editor In Chief of Patrides online, John Saraidaris; the publisher of Polish publication “Goniec;” the publisher of the “Vapaa Sana press;” the director of Infofel, Neel Nanda; publisher of Afghan Times, Ahmad-Shar Hotaki; and Srimal Awardene. Maria Voutsinas organized the celebration.
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