Halloween safety tips
Halloween safety tips
From Toronto Police Service
TORONTO–Costumes, candy, tricks ‘n treats, what do kids like to eat? Yes, it is that time of year again when our children are dressed in costumes, calling on homes and trick or treating. Halloween can be exciting fun event for everyone, however, through all this activity we should keep safety in mind.
Traditionally, October 31 is the day on which “Halloween” festivities are celebrated. Participate in this event with your children by dressing up and being the biggest kid of them all. Accompany the younger ones and remember that even older children need supervision and should be taught to travel in groups, using the buddy system to ensure everyone is present.
Here are some helpful hints to assist in keeping your child to be safe this year:
• Increase visibility by wearing light coloured clothing. When possible, add reflective tape to the front and rear.
• Increase mobility and prevent falls by ensuring the outfit does not drag on the ground
• Masks can obscure vision, use facial make-up whenever possible
• Costume material should be non-flammable.
• Plan a Halloween feast for your kids before trick-or-treating. They’ll be less likely to snack on Halloween goodies before you have a chance to inspect them.
• Tell your children to accept treats at the front door only and never to go inside a house
• If you believe a treat to be unsafe, throw it away
• Pre-plan your route, avoid open fields and do not dart back and forth across the street. Do one side, then cross the street and do the other side
• Never accept rides from strangers
• Go to houses which are familiar to you
• Be aware of the location of Neighbourhood Watch and Block Parent homes in case of trouble
• Establish a curfew time
For additional “Halloween Safety Tips” contact Toronto Police Service, Crime Prevention Office at 416-808-2222.
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