Free seminar on ‘Overcoming Financial Crisis’
Free seminar on ‘Overcoming Financial Crisis’
With the present global financial crisis, there are countless of people experiencing financial pain. To provide some ways of coping with the crisis, Word Became Flesh Ministries a non-denominational Christian organization will present a free seminar on “Overcoming Financial Crisis. This is a two-part seminar on Saturdays April 18 and April 25, 2009 at 224 Mills Street South, Brampton. It starts at 2:15PM. For direction visit
In this seminar you will learn the following: the importance of preparing a family budget, how to prepare a family budget to balance your income and expenses, causes of financial problems, the differences between man’s way and God’s way of managing your personal finances and some ways of avoiding and overcoming financial crises like: debt consolidation, credit counseling, mortgage financing (equity take out), debt negotiation, consumer proposal and bankruptcy as last resort.
The seminar is to be presented by Adam Aspilla, the president of Debt Clinic of Canada Inc. ( , author of the book, “You Can Negotiate All Your Debts,” writes a monthly “Personal Finance” column for “Atin Ito” newspaper. He also writes a monthly column, “What Matters in Life” for “Taliba” newspaper. He was a former mortgage broker and financial planner. He is also the Executive director or Word Became Flesh Ministries. He has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree and has Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree from Tyndale University College and Seminary, in Toronto.
Upon completion of the seminar, participants will receive a free copy of Adam’s book, “You Can Negotiate All Your Debts” while supply last. Since space is limited registration is on first-come-first-serve basis.
For registration, call 905-452-7708 or visit
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