TV spins of top bets, ‘not Bible truth’
TV spins of top bets, ‘not Bible truth’
Credible message, not volume or value, makes good ‘pol ads’
By Karol M. Ilagan
HE has racked up nearly a billion pesos worth of TV ad spots, by network rate cards, in the last three months alone, but indications are that Nacionalista Party standard bearer Senator Manuel ‘Manny’ Villar Jr. can comfort himself that so far every centavo of that has been money well spent.
Indeed, campaign strategists and public-relations experts point to Villar’s ads as the major reason why he has been able to catch up with the frontrunner in the presidential race, Senator Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino III, who has now challenged him to a one-on-one public debate.
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