Seniors needs research launched
Seniors needs research launched

Seniors at Flemingdon Park’s Blessed John XXIII parish with FEW Project research team members Luna Vince and Brenda Quinones.
The Filipino Elderly Wellbeing Project is now in full swing. Thanks to the active participation of GTA’s Filipino seniors groups and elderly who see the project as an important step in building a bright future for themselves. FEW Project is the research collaboration launched by the University of Toronto and Filipino Centre Toronto to establish a baseline data and to determine the needs of Filipino seniors in the Greater Toronto Area.
Since May, the FEW Project Research Team have conducted group and individual questionnaire surveys in Toronto and Markham. Brampton and Mississauga seniors groups are in line for the survey in June. Targeted Catholic parishes with large Filipino members have also been a good source of respondents. FEW Project will be present at community events such as Pistahan, to attract individual survey participants. The survey period will continue until August. Interested seniors can contact the FEW Project at the University of Toronto (416-978-0462) or Filipino Centre Toronto (416-928-9355) to participate. Seniors can also register and complete the survey at Filipino Centre Toronto located at 597 Parliament Street (TTC /Wellesley or Castle Frank Subway Station) during weekday office hours (Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri between 1pm-5pm).
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