Latest poverty measure: excluding the poor from the poverty count
Latest poverty measure: excluding the poor from the poverty count
IBON Features—At 10 p.m., Aling Teresing, a mother in her mid-40s together with her 18-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son begin flattening scrap boxes to sleep on along the sidewalks of Guadalupe. A single parent, Aling Teresing earns up to Php200 a day working as a dispatcher of taxi cabs and is thankful that her daily albeit irregular income usually affords them three meals a day.
Despite the wanting condition of her family, Aling Teresing’s lot falls very well above the poverty threshold set by government’s most recent poverty methodology. The 2011 poverty methodology pegs the poverty threshold – or the minimum amount required to meet a family’s basic food and non-food needs – at Php46 per Filipino per day, or Php6 lower than with the earlier methodology used.
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