UPig Fight! – UP Intensifies the Struggle Against Corruption and the Abolition of the Pork Barrel System
UPig Fight! – UP Intensifies the Struggle Against Corruption and the Abolition of the Pork Barrel System
The UP Scrap the Pork Alliance, drawing forces from the ranks of its faculty, students, staff, workers, administrators, and communities, in their stanch, just, and ultimately necessary call for the abolition of the pork barrel system, enjoins the people to intensify the struggle against corruption and participate in the September 11 UPig Fight! UP Parade Against Pork and the September 13 Pork Day the 13th Rock and Rage Protest at Luneta Park.
Indeed, the Aquino Government has attempted multiple tricks to try and diffuse the people’s rage over the rampant and bare-faced corruption of government officials. He has claimed to stand with the people in their fight against corruption while, ironically, increasing the budget for pork in the 2014 budget proposal. He has claimed to “abolish” pork through an alternative proposal that sugarcoated rather than removed the pork barrel system while conveniently keeping a smokescreen on the perpetuation of vulnerable and discretionary funds. He has claimed that the people are his “boss” in his “matuwid na daan” while imposing budget cuts on basic social services and inducing rampant state abandonment at the grassroots.
Yet the people will not be fooled again. In its unity statement, the UP Scrap the Pork Alliance notes that “the rage against corruption barely scratches the grain of the fundamental problems the common Filipino experiences” and that “beyond corruption is the blatant disregard for the rights and welfare of the people, particularly of the poor and marginalized.” Thus, recognizing the need for sustained action, the Alliance intensifies the struggle against corruption in its unified stance for the complete abolition of the pork barrel system!
In face of an impending P1.43 billion budget cut, in the aftermath of the death of Kristel Tejada and Alyssa Asilo who had been victims of state abandonment, the Alliance calls upon the Aquino Administration to pay heed to the clamor of the people to abolish pork and rechannel the funds to public schools, public hospitals, frontline agencies, and other social services. basic social services such as education, health, water, and public transportation.
In these crucial moments, the people are integral to ensuring the sustained movement towards real social transformation. We will not be fazed by smokescreens or sugarcoated farces. It is our responsibility, nay, our honor, to be at the forefront in the continuous struggle against corruption, state abandonment, and rampant patronage politics!
Prosecute the corrupt!
Abolish the pork barrel system!
Rechannel funds to basic social services!
Greater state subsidy for basic social services!
Join the September 11 Systemwide Parade Against Pork and Budget Cuts to Education!
September 11: UPig Fight! Activity Lineup
03:00PM – Programme: UP’s Fight Against Pork at Quezon Hall, UP Diliman
04:00PM – The UP Parade Against Pork around the UP Academic Oval
05:00PM – Solidarity Program Against Pork at Miriam College, Gate 3
Join the September 13 Rock and Rage:Pork Day the 13th, Luneta
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