Simple strength test may predict heart attack, stroke
Simple strength test may predict heart attack, stroke
Large-scale study reports that weak grip strength is linked with shorter survival and a greater risk of cardiovascular incidents.
Previous studies have suggested that reduced muscular strength, as can be measured by hand-grip strength, maybe linked to early death, disability, and illness. In a recent study, investigators analyzed data collected on 139,691 adults, ages 35 to 70 years, residing in 17 countries, and followed them for an average of four years – measuring hand-grip strength regularly through the study period. Data analysis revealed that every 5 kg declining grip strength associated with a 16% increase in risk of death from any cause, a 17% greater risk of cardiovascular death, and a 17% higher risk of non-cardiovascular mortality. Notably, heart attack risk rose by 7%, and stroke risk by 9%. In particular, a low grip strength was linked with higher death rates in people who develop cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular diseases, suggesting that muscle strength may predict the risk of death the people who develop a major illness. The study authors report that: “This study suggests that measurement of grip strength is a simple, inexpensive risk-stratifying method for all-cause death, cardiovascular death, and cardiovascular disease.”
For more information on health and safety visit the Ontario Chiropractic Association; website at or call 1877-327-2273; Dr. George Traitses, 416-499-5656,
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