Migrant Myths Influence Immigration Policies
Migrant Myths Influence Immigration Policies

Migrants and refugees have preconceived notions of what to expect in Canada, just as Canadians have expectations for what they’ll be like upon arrival. Photo Credit: United Nations Development Programme
By Tazeen Inam in Mississauga (New Canadian Media)
At a time when Canada has seen a shift in immigration policy, particularly when it comes to resettling Syrian refugees, a study reveals that myths and imaginaries created around migrants can influence a country’s immigration policies.
Based on a discussions held among researchers and practitioners during a one-day symposium organized at the University of Ottawa in May 2014, the policy brief defines myths and imaginaries as “symbolic collective representations of individuals’ aspirations, hopes and dreams.”
This can refer to the perceptions and imaginaries of migrants themselves and of policymakers who are concerned with their movements.
The report recommends policymakers examine the diversity of myths created around migrants and adopt a rational approach to deal with the reproduction of these imaginaries rather than take them at face value.
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