Talks conclude with more agreements on free land distribution
Talks conclude with more agreements on free land distribution
After four days of intense formal negotiations and an extra day of back-channel talks, the parties firmed up their agreement on free land distribution “as a basic principle of genuine agrarian reform.”
Kodao Productions
NOORDWIJK, The Netherlands—The “difficult and exacting” fourth round of formal talks between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) concluded successfully today with significant advances in socio-economic reforms negotiations.
After four days of intense formal negotiations and an extra day of back-channel talks, the parties firmed up their agreement on free land distribution “as a basic principle of genuine agrarian reform.”
“This is the main message of the bilateral meeting of the RWCs-SER (Reciprocal Working Committees-Socioeconomic Reforms) and an achievement of the Fourth Round of Talks,” the parties’ Joint Statement said.
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