Back to school
Back to school
September means new teachers, new classes — and new stuff, like shoes, bags and school supplies
After being away for two whole months, kids go back to school in September, which they may not appreciate, but parents sure do.
Across Canada, September is the month when the new school calendar begins, when students start new grades, maybe even new schools — and it can be a costly one for parents and caregivers.
Families face expensive school bills
Kids grow like weeds, so just about every year they need bigger shoes, clothes and jackets, plus backpacks, books, paper and lots of other supplies to pursue their important studies.
Whether in primary school, high school, college or university, the average Canadian family spent $1,540 on education in 2015.1 And in countries around the world, families also face expensive bills in September as they send their kids off for a new year of school — many with the help of friends and family members working overseas who send money back home to help pay for supplies and tuition fees.
Win one of 150 amazing prizes
As part of our celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary, we want to celebrate our customers who work hard to support the education of loved ones back home.
From now until October 15, 2017, when you send money with Western Union you can win one of 150 amazing prizes including 50 $25 Metro gift cards; 15 $100 prepaid MasterCards¨; 2 $500 cash prizes from Hasty Market; and a grand prize of $10,000 cash.
Just visit for the entry form and rules for your chance to win.
To all those going back to school this September — good luck! And to all the families supporting students in Canada and all over the world — great work!
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