Vaccine victims speak up
Vaccine victims speak up

Anna Cruz, New York OR nurse went to urgent care after her second Pfizer dose.
By Michelle Chermaine Ramos
The Philippine Reporter
Prior to her vaccine injury, New York, OR nurse Anna Cruz, 39, used to work at St. Luke’s Cornwall and Orange Regional Center prior to becoming a travel nurse during the pandemic. On her August 27, 2021 Facebook posts, she reported that she received her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine in April 2021 and the second dose in May. Two weeks after her second dose she developed a cough with no fever and shortness of breath, which she said felt like asthma. She was healthy and does not smoke or drink and noticed that her shortness of breath worsened as the days progressed. On June 24, 2021, she went into urgent care and was diagnosed with late onset of asthma and was given an inhaler which did not help.
She returned to urgent care on July 11, 2021, for the same complaints of shortness of breath and coughing. “They took my CBC and found out that my hemoglobin went down, 8 from 12 in one and half months ago. The NP advised me to go ER. I have no menstruation so why my hemoglobin is down in a short period of time?” Anna decided to get some things from her apartment first but passed out before she even reached the hallway. Fortunately, her husband who is an ICU nurse, caught her. She passed out again in the car on the way to the ER.
As an OR nurse, Anna understood the flurry of tests she had and was able to describe them. She was admitted on a Saturday and spent seven days in the hospital which she described as the longest days of her life. “In the ER they did a lot of tests. I had CT scan with IV contrast (I have no allergy) then developed reactions like my neck was itchy and developed hives in a short period of time. They gave me Benadryl and it caused me to have double vision and tremors. I was so scared. Then admitted in med surg floor, I passed out again followed by body weakness. I had my first unit of blood.”
The following day, Sunday, Anna had more tests including a CT scan of her brain, ECG, 2D echo, more blood work and she kept passing out as her blood pressure shot up to 190/90. She had two episodes and consulted with a hematologist who diagnosed her with a severe iron deficiency and was told she needed ten transfusions. That Monday, she got worse and passed out four times and had trouble moving her hands, arms and legs. She had an MRI, felt her blood pressure shoot up again and the sensation of needle pricks. She was given hydralazine for her high blood pressure. On Tuesday she was able to walk twice but had three episodes, another rapid response and developed a headache, neck pain and was transferred to telemetry for an EEG. Wednesday, she was lethargic, passed out three times, unable to eat the whole day or even open her eyes and was on morphine and Percocet.
By that Thursday, Anna’s hemoglobin went up to 10. She said, “I was put on 24-hour EEG monitor with video. Neurologist said all my tests are negative, there’s a little gray matter disease on my brain but not really a concern and a cause for passing out.
My cardiologist said my ECG, 2D echo are normal but don’t want to give me meds for blood pressure because I am still under observation for my passing out and don’t want to mask any signs and symptoms.” She was discharged on July 17, 2021.
Sometime in September, her detailed posts of her experience disappeared off Facebook along with her account. Curiously, it was also around this time that people noticed that other posts about similar vaccine injuries were also being censored and wiped off the social media platform. On September 15, 2021, she resurfaced with a new account and a new post in a COVID vaccine side effects Facebook group to report that she was able to return to work until she suddenly blacked out in the locker room at Northern Westchester Hospital on September 7, 2021, at around 8:30 a.m. She woke up the next day in the neurology and telemetry unit of Westchester Medical Centre after being transferred there by ambulance.
She stayed there until September 9, 2021, and she and her husband were upset by how they were treated. “They asked me if I am US citizen and quick to assume that we are Spanish because of our last name which is Cruz. Spoke to my husband in Spanish without asking first if we speak Spanish or not. I been seizing many times and no one checked up on me. I don’t even have IV fluids hanging. Whenever my husband will use the call bell the PA assigned was upset. I am so thankful and grateful that my husband is also a nurse (med surg/ICU/ telemetry nurse, also vaccinated Moderna), my advocate. I was on Ativan, Valproic and Kepra.”
Although she is unable to work, her insurance was able to cover her hospital bills. She said that the cost of her first confinement added up to around USD $114,000 and she urges people to invest in insurance. “Be prepared. Have a legacy binder or folder with your bank accounts, insurance, property, last will and testament, passwords for your loved ones (I have one daughter and my husband and no relatives) I know it sounds morbid. I had a heart-to-heart talk with my husband and daughter,” she explained.
“Right now, I have so many doctors appointments again. I miss working. I love what I am doing. Please include me in your prayers. I’m sharing my life with you to learn from me.”

Kyla Jalisa Hynes and her father James Hynes. Kyla suddenly died four days after her 2nd Moderna dose.
James Hynes of Fort McMurray, Alberta contracted COVID-19 in May this year and reported that he was sick for five days as he recovered at home. He later received his doses of Moderna in June and July and said that although he got some side effects like flu-like symptoms, he was all right. Unfortunately, after his daughter Kyla was vaccinated on July 19. 2021, she suddenly died on July 23, 2021. “I have a perfectly healthy 26-year-old daughter that had her second shot (Moderna), and four days after, she was taken to the hospital (a 30-40 minute drive away) because she was finding it hard to breath and she couldn’t feel the tips of her fingers. The doctor thinks by the time she arrived at the hospital, she was brain dead. They’ve done CPR for one hour after she arrived but no luck,” says her devastated father. “Of all the others that died from the COVID vaccine shot, my daughter had very similar symptoms and reaction time frames pointing to brain aneurysm/brain bleed/blood clot in the brain. I need to know, and I need to know the truth and the general public should be made aware. I worry that the health care system and the government are trying to hide these deaths caused from the COVID vaccine shot.”

Joelle Cyr Valliere developed kidney failure and incurable dense deposit disease after her first Pfizer shot.
Joelle Cyr Valliere in Drayton Valley, Alberta decided to get her Pfizer vaccine to protect those around her and got her first dose on April 28, 2021. The next morning, she woke up to a swollen left leg. Fearing a blood clot, she went to the ER for an examination and after no sign of a clot, she was discharged. As the days went on, her feet puffed up and she got headaches, fatigue and insomnia. The last weekend of May she noticed her blood pressure was high. By June 1, her ankles had swollen, and she described them as hanging over her golf shoes. She returned to the ER where they discovered that her blood pressure was 190 over 145 and her kidney function was at only 34 percent.
On June 4, her left hand started to tingle and turned bright purple from her mid-forearm to her fingertips. Back in the ER they determined that her blood pressure caused capillaries to burst and worried about possible damage to her brain or heart. That same night she had an extreme headache and went to the University of Alberta Hospital where the healthcare staff worked to lower her blood pressure and conducted a series of tests including a CT scan, lung X-ray, EKG, and blood test. They did not detect any embolisms or damage to her heart, brain or lungs. However, her kidney function rapidly declined from 34% to 29% in only three days. She was admitted to the nephrology unit for observation and a kidney biopsy and was eventually discharged with new medications and dietary restrictions. On June 14, her nephrologist, Dr. Courtney, shared his diagnosis of her biopsy. “‘Incurable at this time’,” said Joelle. “When I received my shot, the introduction of the T cell did its job. Too well! It put my immune system into overdrive, causing an autoimmune disease, Dense Deposit Disease.”
On June 24, she began immunosuppressant therapy with 25-30 pills daily “added to the mix with risk of causing brittle bones, skin cancer, blood cancer, depression, weight gain, and of course, all the other side effects known to man”. Unfortunately, blood work results from July 13 showed that one of the drugs caused the depletion of her red blood cells making breathing difficult and she needed a blood transfusion plus water pills to help with the water retention since she also had trouble walking. From July 13 to August 3, her kidney function drastically dropped from 30% to only 11%.
As of our interview on August 29, she reported that she started dialysis on August 10 and had surgery but still has issues that might require another surgery and is doing what she can to stay alive. Her doctor confirmed that dense deposit disease was caused by the vaccine and affects the kidneys and eyes and he has filed a report directly to Pfizer and Health Canada. She also said that he revealed to her that “out of his five patients while I was admitted to hospital, four of us had been vaccinated within the month. Scary.” She encourages others to make an informed decision before getting the vaccine.

Dylan Westnutt (right) with his youngest brother Holden. Dylan was disabled after his first Pfizer dose.
Dylan Westnutt’s mother, Rebecca Westnutt, is extremely livid after how her eldest son’s condition was initially dismissed by an ER doctor. She is now worried about the pressures her 14-year-old son is facing to get vaccinated. “If they had listened when his symptoms started, we could have avoided all this! Do they really think they can now convince me to take my youngest in to ‘do his part’? I’m so angry!” Prior to his disability, 30-year-old Dylan Westnutt of Innisfil Ontario, worked as a welder and like many employees whose workplaces mandated the vaccine, he felt he had no choice but to comply. He got his first Pfizer shot on May 23, 2021, and experienced chest pain an hour later and ended up in emergency. He can no longer work since he started exhibiting neurological issues and being one of his family’s main breadwinners, they now risk losing their home.
As of September 7, Dylan was told that the MRI showed either a lacunar infarct stroke or a tumor in his thalamus. He has been searching for a neurologist who has the capacity to treat him after being turned down by three who cannot take any more patients. His grandmother Jen Lister said “Ivermectin has helped him walk again but has not helped his brain since that damage has been done”. Rebecca got her first shot of Pfizer on May 20, 2021, and has been experiencing migraines and flashing lights in her eyes ever since and is going to have some tests done as well. “Everyone needs to fight these passports regardless of vaccine status. “This is a fight for a free country, not a fight about COVID,” she said. “I met a man in Barrie who is the owner of a pet store. He moved to this country from Asia and told me that he came from a communist country and that people here aren’t seeing what this country is becoming. He knows, he lived it. Now he wants to leave here. How sad!” A GoFundMe campaign has been set up to help the family save their home:
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