Gov’t of Canada launches call for proposals for community projects to support seniors
Gov’t of Canada launches call for proposals for community projects to support seniors
Kamal Khera, Minister of Seniors
Seniors make significant and valuable contributions to their families, communities and society. That is why the Government of Canada supports service organizations that help seniors stay active and engaged in their communities. This is key to enhancing their well-being and quality of life. It empowers them and enables them to expand their social network and explore new learning experiences.
On Wednesday Sept. 21, Canada’s Minister of Seniors, Kamal Khera, launched the 2022–2023 call for proposals for community-based projects through the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP). The Minister made the announcement while visiting the Olde Forge Community Resource Centre in Ottawa.
NHSP funding creates opportunities for seniors to be more connected, supported and active members of their communities. This year’s national priorities aim to do just that by focusing on projects that:
Khera with seniors
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1. support healthy aging;
2. prevent elder abuse;
3. celebrate diversity and promoting inclusion; and
4. help seniors age in place.
Through a simplified application process, organizations are invited to submit project proposals that help seniors move beyond the pandemic and continue to play important roles in their communities.
The 2022–2023 NHSP community-based call for proposals is open until November 1, 2022.
For details on how to apply, visit Senior-serving organizations can access support to prepare their application and manage their agreement.
“Programs like the New Horizons for Seniors Program are essential in helping Canadian seniors stay active and share their knowledge, skills and experience with others. This not only nurtures their personal growth, but also fosters community prosperity. By investing in this important program, the Government is confirming its commitment to deliver positive change and improve the lives of seniors from coast to coast to coast.”– Minister of Seniors, Kamal Khera
“Every year, the New Horizons for Seniors Program makes a meaningful difference in the lives of seniors across Canada. When seniors can fully participate in society and lead a healthy life, everybody benefits. This program builds on our government’s continued commitment to empower seniors and strengthen their connection within their communities.” – Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Seniors, Darren Fisher
Quick facts
• Seniors are one of the fastest-growing age groups in Canada. By 2030, the number of seniors is expected to reach 9.4 million, representing close to one quarter of Canada’s population.
• The New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) is a federal grants and contributions program whose goal is to support projects that help seniors stay active and engaged in the community. Community-based projects are eligible to receive up to $25,000 in grant funding.
• NHSP funding supports projects that engage seniors in their communities and address one or more of the program’s five objectives: social participation, volunteering, mentoring, expanding awareness of elder abuse and providing capital assistance.
• The call for proposals is open from September 21, 2022, until November 1, 2022. Organizations are invited to apply for funding through a simplified application process.
• Since its inception in 2004, the NHSP has funded more than 33,500 projects in hundreds of communities across Canada, with a total Government of Canada investment of more than $720 million.
• Budget 2022 proposed an additional $20 million over two years, beginning in 2022–2023, to support more projects that improve the quality of life for seniors and help them continue to participate fully in their communities.
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